The Seven Deadly Sins

Peace or desire, the decision is yours

Sit quiet. Alone. Think about the seven deadly sins. Do you have pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth? I have. Yes, some of them. Sometimes, in the past, recent or long ago, I don’t remember now. I was an unfortunate person who suffered from the seven deadly sins. We all did. Human beings… Continue reading The Seven Deadly Sins


Peace or desire, the decision is yours

let me accept it first, then i will decide what i will do!

Categorized as Life

The Art of Knowing

Peace or desire, the decision is yours

Milton knows ‘each lane and every alley green.. of this wilde Wood.’. Don’t get offended with the ‘wilde’ spelling. At the time of Milton, he wrote that way, when Twitter, Facebook, and WhatsApp were not there.

NASA and the blood-stained Missiles

The ancient mariner had killed the Albatross. Later he repented. What happened afterward? The fiery storm damaged the ship. The monster waves drowned the children. They tried to escape from the fire-spitting missiles. They tried to escape from the claw of death. The children from Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Iraq, tried to escape the fire, destruction,… Continue reading NASA and the blood-stained Missiles

Fifteen Rules that can Kill your Killer Impulses

What we can do to avoid unpleasant situations? Remember rule number one. Releasing anger and libido in private, alone is perfectly sane solution. Go to the toilet, close the door, be alone and vent your anger, frustration, animal heat-alone.

An Abstract Thief

An Abstract Thief from Sanjib Sinha on Vimeo. He comes back to take revenge and wants to punish the culprit who is responsible for his parents’ unimely death. However, reality changes…